ÖH WU > Service > SBWL > International Business Communication

International Business Communication

Specialization: BW, IBW, WiRe, BBEKomplementärfach: VW, WUPOL, WINF

Duration: 2 semester

Admission: first-come, first-serve

Spots per semester: 60 spots

aktualisiert am 17.01.2025
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The Specialization will provide students with the necessary understanding for the role and function of language and communication in business contexts, presented in particular within internal, external, an intercultural communication setting. A balanced mix of research-based teaching and practical implementation of the relevant concepts will help students not only to apply those concepts in practice but also to analyze business communication with regard to its underlying intention and deal with it as appropriate.

If you are having interest in how business communication works and the way in which language is used as a tool to achieve one’s communicative goals.  


This specialization consists of 5 courses. 

  • Key Concepts
  • Internal Business Communication
  • External Business Communication
  • Intercultural Business Communication
  • Skills

Bachelor Thesis

In order to write your Bachelor’s Thesis, you should meet the following requirements:

  • You need to attend or have already passed the course on basic academic writing (“Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens”), preferable at the department of Business Communication
  • Additionally, you should demonstrate a high level of language competence in English.

Access to the specialization

In a first step, students have to sing up for the course “Access to Specialization: International Business Communication”. Places will generally be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, with 30 slots reserved for the fastest 30 students who were awarded a grade of 1 on the CBK course “Introduction to Business Communication”. The remaining slots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis regardless of whether the student attended the CBK course or not until 55 slots have been filled. The final 5 spaces will be set aside for students at an advanced stage of their studies in accordance with VRLS. 


Your grade in EBC 1 is not relevant here!

Here you can find the presentation from the specializations fair!

aktualisiert am 17.01.2025
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