ÖH WU > Service > SBWL > Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Spezialisierung: BW, IBW, WINF, WiRe, BBE             Komplementärfach: VWL, WUPol

Dauer: 2 Semester

Einstiegsmodalitäten: Notendurchschnitt und Bewerbungsunterlagen

Plätze pro semester: 45 Personen

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

aktualisiert am 28.01.2024
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Course Description

What differentiates Digital Marketing from other marketing specializations (both at WU and elsewhere) is that everything we do and teach is connected to contemporary marketing challenges in the digital world. Our offer for you is to learn from specialists and get prepared for the job requirements of marketing in the digital age.

Specifically, our specialization offers you the ability to acquire knowledge and skills in the following domains: 

  • The role of information technology and digital media is shaping the marketing landscape; what are the implications for interacting and engaging with customers?
  • Digital marketing and business analytics go hand in hand (e.g., translating data on customer-firm interactions into managerially relevant information, A/B testing, experimentation). Therefore, our specialization helps you to develop solid skills in marketing research and business analytics.
  • A broad range of electives allows you to dive deeper into specific topics and challenges connected to the digital marketing environment, such as mobile marketing, Google Ads and Analytics, SEO and SEA content marketing, influencer marketing, text analytics, machine learning in marketing, customer relationship management, and many more.
  • An important aspect of our marketing education is to enable you to translate the skills you acquired into operational marketing plans. In our digital marketing lab, companies will come up with digital and data-driven marketing challenges, and you will learn how to solve them with your fellow students.


Application Procedure

  • Step 1: Register via LPIS to “Access to SBWL: Digital Marketing“

  • Step 2: Complete submission form and digital skills check at canvas@wu "Access to Specialization Digital Marketing"

The selection criteria used for admission are based on two components: (1) Your official WU course grades and (2) your statements and evidence on your Digital Marketing skills you provide when applying.

We currently offer 45 slots in the SBWL (as of winter term 2023/24).


Sequence of courses

1st semester:

  • C1: Digital Marketing (introductory course providing a basic framework for understanding digital marketing; mandatory before enrolling in courses 3-5)
  • C2: Marketing Analytics (we highly recommend taking this course in the same semester as course C1)

2nd semester:

  • C3/4: Pool of electives (course C4 may be chosen from a pool of electives jointly offered with other marketing specializations)
  • C5: Digital Marketing Lab (translates what you have learned so far into practice by working together with one of our industry partners)


Bachelor thesis

We offer the opportunity of thesis supervision to every student with a specialization (SBWL) in digital marketing and to students of the Bachelor program in Business and Economics (BBE) program. Bachelor theses are generally required to be empirical.


Your career perspectives

Our students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to structure, analyze, and manage marketing problems in a digital world by using data-driven decision tools and business analytics. As a graduate of our specialization, you will have numerous excellent job prospects within various areas of marketing and related fields. You will also have acquired the required skills to qualify for a Master’s program.


Hier findest du Präsentation von der SBWL-Messe!

For further information: Digital Marketing E-Mail Adresse | Digital Marketing Website

aktualisiert am 28.01.2024
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