ÖH WU > Service > SBWL > International Business

International Business

Spezialisierung: BW, IBW, WiRe, BBE                                               Komplementärfach: VWL, Winf, WUPol

Duration: doable in 2 semesters

Admission: entry exam and GPA of the best 27 ECTS credits

Spots per semesters: between 140-160

Course language: English

aktualisiert am 17.01.2025
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Description and course content

The Institute of International Business offers one of the most popular specializations within the WU Vienna bachelor programs. Entry to the specialization is highly competitive. The SBWL International Business aims at providing students a deeper understanding of the principles of international business across different types of firms (e.g. small vs large; service vs production), different functions (e.g., HR, finance, sales, R&D), and different strategic challenges (e.g., international growth and divestments, global organization, HQ-subsidiary relations). Students have the possibility to specialize even further within the SBWL if they are choosing one of three non-mandatory tracks

IB Strategies is dedicated to managing multinational companies, international knowledge transfer and regional strategies. The key area IB Markets covers market-entry strategies, emerging markets and globalization. IB Resources focuses on international HR management, cross-cultural management and multicultural teams. Besides in-depth knowledge within these three key areas, students are also provided the linkages and interrelations among and between these fields leading to both, a solid overview of international business as well as specialized knowledge. Additionally, students will acquire essential social skills and abilities such as presentation expertise, effective communication abilities and team-work skills. This is realized by using a selected mix of teaching methods including case studies, interactive discussions, team-work assignments, seminars and ongoing presentations.



The Selection of participants is based on average of the best 27 ECTS credits (GPA – 50 %) and an entry exam (40-minute multiple choice test – 50 %)


Recommended course of studies

The program structure of the specialization International Business is flexible and allows students to complete course work within two or three semesters. The necessary prerequisite for taking the advanced seminars (courses 3-5) consists in completing the two basic courses (1-2) Foundations and Applications.

1. Semester

Course 1 – Foundations of International Business

Course 2 – International Business Application

2.  /3. Semester

Course 3 – Seminar IB Strategies

Course 4 – Seminar IB Markets

Course 5 – Seminar IB Ressources

Within the specialization you can choose between three tracks:

Central Europe Connect is a joint certificate program offered in collaboration by WU, the University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA) and SGH Warsaw School of Economics. It gives IB students the possibility to complete part of their specialization abroad and strengthen their expertise in Europe’s fastest growing economic region. Students from all three universities participate in three one-week blocked courses, each organized at one of the locations WU, EUBA (Bratislava) and SGH (Warsaw). The interactive, practice-oriented courses shall sensitize students to the Central European economic region and prepare them for taking management positions in companies operating in Central Europe. Company visits, guest speakers and social events will enable students to build up a personal and professional network in the region.

Sustainability, corporate responsibility, and business ethics are increasingly important in IB and require both deep knowledge and well-developed competence. This is also exemplified by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The IB Track – Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility (SaC) aims at acknowledging students with a special interest in these themes and motivates them to combine in a unique way IB expertise with proficiency in SaC. Therefore, students who have completed the SaC track have insights and knowledge relevant at the intersection of IB and SaC. They are able to assume in-depth perspectives on SaC-related issues and have developed the corresponding skill-set and competencies necessary to succeed in an international environment.

The IB Track "SME Internationalization" aims at students with a special interest in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and their strategic internationalization. Students who have completed the SME track have insights and knowledge relevant at the intersection of IB and SME. They are able to assume in-depth perspectives on SME-related issues and have developed the corresponding skill-set and competencies necessary to succeed in an international environment.


Bachelor thesis

The institute International Business supervise a high amount of bachelor thesis. Further Information you can find on the homepage of the institute.  


Your career perspectives

Graduates continue their career in a wide range of positions, usually in an international environment:

  • Active in graduate progerams, specifically CEMS, ExInt
  • Marketing/finance/strategy/HR in internationally active firms
  • Internationalization management
  • Founders/GMs of (global) start-ups


Here you can find the presentation from the specializations fair!


Die SBWL ist gut in 2 Semestern machbar, im ersten Semester Kurs 1 und 2 und im zweiten dann Kurs 3, 4 und 5. Die Aufnahme erfolgt durch einen Literaturtest der 50% zählt und zu 50% den besten 27 ECTS. Die SBWL ist gut aufgebaut, man bearbeitet viele Case Studies, hat Präsentationen und Gruppenarbeiten. Die ganze SBWL ist auf Englisch. Ich war im CEC Track, da wurden Kurs 3, 4 und 5 jeweils in Bratislava, Warschau und Wien gemacht. Man hat sich mit anderen internationalen Studierenden vernetzen können. Andere Tracks kann man durch die Kursauswahl besuchen. Durch die SBWL bekommt man auch eine Einladung in den IB Club, der Events anbietet.

- Alumni, WiSo

Die Aufnahme in die SBWL International Business erfolgt zum einen mit den besten 27 ECTS-Credits (Gewichtung: 50 %) und einem Aufnahmetest (Gewichtung: 50 %). Ich habe mir für den Aufnahmetest das Buch "International Business: The New Realities: 5th Edition. Global Edition. Pearson Education" angeschaut. Bei dem Aufnahmetest kommen Multiple-Choice Fragen, welche mithilfe des Buches gut zu lösen sind. Kurs 1 und Kurs 2 sind zwei theoretische Kurse. Kurs 1 legt hierbei einen Fokus darauf, dass das grundlegende Wissen gestärkt wird und man einen Einblick in International Business bekommt. Im Kurs 2 wird anhand von einigen Präsentationen, Quizes und aktiver Mitarbeit die Themen vertieft. Vor allem durch das Feedback das man dauernd abgeben muss verpflichtend, lernt man eine Feedback-Kultur zu integrieren, welche im internationalen Umfeld sehr wichtig ist. Eine Besonderheit an der Spezialisierung ist, dass man, auch wenn man den Kurs 1 oder Kurs 2 negativ absolviert, nicht aus der SBWL geworfen wird. 

- Studentin, WiRe, 5. Semester

aktualisiert am 17.01.2025
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