ÖH WU > Service > SBWL > Unternehmensführung & Controlling / Strategy and Managerial Accounting

Unternehmensführung & Controlling / Strategy and Managerial Accounting


Duration: doable in 2 semester

Admission: letter of application, GPA (max. 2,5)

Spots per Semester: 75

Story von Valeria Gloria Ledermaier
aktualisiert am 29.01.2024
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Description & teaching content

At the Institute of Management (IfU), business administration is understood as an applied science. On the basis of research aligned with the standards of the international scientific community, contributions are made to the development and application of modern concepts and instructions for practice. The emphasis in SBWL is placed on well-founded theoretical training and practical implementation of strategic and operative business management instruments. Special emphasis is placed on the area of controlling. The course offerings are supplemented by courses in the area of management consulting.

Job profile

The program of specialization primarily addresses three groups of students:

  • Future managers in the areas of controlling and finance: Students who are planning to start their professional career in a medium-sized or larger company in one of the areas of con- trolling, accounting, corporate planning or internal auditing (specialists) and who are aiming for a management position in one of these areas as a long-term goal.
  • All-rounders in medium-sized companies: Students who intend to take on management functions in medium-sized companies as junior staff.
  • Future top management consultants: Students who wish to pursue a career in international management consulting. 

Recommended course structure

1st Semester:

  • Course 1 - Basic Course
  • Course 2 - Financial Management

2nd semester:

  • Course 3 - Business Analysis Project or Project Seminar.
  • Course 4 - Forecasting Project or theoretical basics
  • Course 5 - Final Seminar

Course 3 & 4 are integrated and therefore must be completed in one semester.

Bachelor Thesis

Bachelor theses on current research topics are assigned and supervised exclusively by the listed contact persons at the institute. Interested students can approach the respective contact person at the institute with suggestions for topics; current topics are posted in the individual research areas at the institute. A prerequisite for writing a bachelor thesis at the Institute of Management is a good knowledge of management and controlling. In particular, all students of special business administration "Management and Controlling" should have the opportunity to write their bachelor thesis at IfU.

Special features

In the context of the Tuesday beer, the institute offers the opportunity to talk to professors, assistants, graduates and high-ranking representatives from the fields of business, politics, sports and culture.

Entry modalities

To enter SBWL Business Management and Controlling, you need to complete two steps:

Register for the AG "Entry into SBWL: Corporate Management and Controlling" and simultaneously

Send the application form (incl. letter of motivation) and CV as well as a collective report to the secretary's office. Your application can only be considered if you meet the formal requirements on the one hand and submit the complete documents by the end of the respective application deadline on the other hand. The announcement of the accepted students will be made on the institute's website.

Here you can find the presentation from the specializations fair!


Die Aufnahme erfolgte bei mir über den Notendurchschnitt (1,3 war mein Notendurchschnitt). Ich habe Kurs 1 und Kurs 2 in diesem Semester absolviert und nach meinen Gefühl absolvieren sehr viele meine Kolleg*innen die SBWL im 3. Semester. Kurs 1 war zwar sehr aufwendig aber Frau Javed hat die Inhalte gut und verständlich vermittelt, womit die Absolvierung eindeutig leichter ist. Kurs 2 war im Vergleich zu Kurs 1 recht entspannt. Hierbei sind vor allem Assignments (individual und group assignments) und die Endklausur für die Benotung relevant. Es sind beide Kurse darauf aufgelegt, dass man auch gute Noten (z. B. Sehr Gut) erzielen kann, wenn man genügend Aufwand hineinsteckt. Der Endterm von Kurs 1 ist leider mit Zeitdruck behaftet, obwohl stofftechnisch nichts Unerwartetes kommt. Ein Tipp von mir: Man sollte hierbei zuerst die Beispiele machen und erst am Schluss die Theoriefragen

Story von Valeria Gloria Ledermaier
aktualisiert am 29.01.2024
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