ÖH WU > Events > Life > Egg Tapping Tournament x VUSSÖ

Egg Tapping Tournament x VUSSÖ

Putting a modern spin on a wholesome tradition!
starting time Beginn: 05.05.2024 ab 14:00
Ende: 05.05.2024 bis 17:00
location Ort: ÖH WU Lounge | Welthandelsplatz 1, SC, 1020 Wien, Österreich

Hey there!

ÖH WU and VUSSÖ (Vereinigung Ukrainischer SchülerInnen und StudentInnen Österreich) collaborate again on a very important mission. Many of us won't be able to travel home for the holidays due to the exam week in May, but that doesn't mean we won't be able to celebrate in a cozy atmosphere. Traditional snacks, soft drinks, peaceful music and most importantly warm people will make sure the mood is right. If you're worried about last minute studying or revisions, put those worries aside - we'll keep the program short. On this note, what exactly have we planned for you?

Egg Tapping Tournament
Egg Tapping is a tradition across Europe where family and friends tap coloured hard-boiled eggs. Tradition says the owner of the last-egg-standing would be blessed with health and luck throughout the year. Our spin on this tradition would be to turn the brawl into a tournament, here is how it will go down: 64 or 32 contestants (depending on attendance) will be put in one-on-one egg fights, with the winner proceeding to the next round. At the end we'll have one clear winner, the one egg to rule them all.
Egg Beauty Contest
For those who fall short of the tournament list, there will be presented an opportunity to show creativity and engage in another light-hearted contest - the Egg Beauty Contest. The eggs will be presented to a jury that will decide a clear egg winner based on aesthetics, instead of brawn.
Sign up
When you scroll to the section for the tickets, you'll see three options: "Tournament First 32", "Tournament Second 32" and "Egg Beauty Contest". If you're interested in the contest, sign up to "Tournament First 32". If that is sold out, but you still want to show your egg's prowess, sign up to "Tournament Second 32". If enough people sign up, both sets of 32 will be joint into a big tournament of 64. If we fall short, the second 32 will be redirected to the Egg Beauty Contest.
Hard facts:
- Date: May 5th, Sunday
- Time: 14:00 - 17:00
- Place: ÖH WU Lounge
- Tickets at
Story von Slav Ivanov
aktualisiert am 25.04.2024
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